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Ukraine Cereal Export is in the Rise (2020/2021 Campaign)

Since the start of the 2020/2021 campaign, Ukraine has already exported 4.25 Mt of cereals, including 3.47 Mt of wheat, the largest volume in its history at such an early stage and half of its total supply.

In one week, Mexico imported 208 kt of Wheat and 441 kt of Corn.

With 4.25 Mt of grain loaded in just three months, the first moreover of the 2020/2021 season, including 3.47 Mt of wheat, Ukrainian exports have never been so dynamic so early in the season. Ukraine even shipped almost half of its available export.

However, the very dry sowing conditions in the country could reduce the areas devoted to cereals and therefore availability in spring. It is believed, however, that "the arrival of corn on the market will take back wheat shipments in the background".

On the other side of the Atlantic, Mexican imports of wheat and corn were particularly considerable: 208 kt and 441 kt were purchased in a single week, between September 21 and 27.


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